Home » today » Technology » Influencer “La Liendra” commented that his official Instagram account was closed

Influencer “La Liendra” commented that his official Instagram account was closed

La Liendra has become one of the most recognized content creators in recent years for his creativity, great sense of humor and telling of his personal life along with all the personal and work growth he has achieved through social networks.

The followers of the Colombian attracted the attention of him since they declared his account completely disappeared in the search engines, by putting his name there, the followers could not find the profile despite looking for it by other means such as on the labels.

The influencer, upon realizing the situation, came out to pronounce on the matter and revealed that his official account had indeed been closed, the paisa stated: “Unfortunately I must tell you that they closed my Instagram account (…) I do not have a logical explanation of anything, I just went in like every day, he took me out and they told me they closed it for me. Who did it? I don’t know, they are not good people anyway, “said the paisa in a video that was shared on another profile.

Mauricio commented that it has been his worst nightmare and he does not know what will happen, however, he clarified that he is moving contacts and asking for the respective help in order to recover his account.

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