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Index – Culture – Emir Kusturica asked Putin for support for his new, large-scale film

At the meeting, Emir Kusturica thanked Vladimir Putin for the “historic justice” done for the Slavs, reported the HVG .

A Cat food is in Gypsy time its director told the Russian president that he wanted to make a film based on the works of world-famous novelists, crowning his work. In terms of the film’s structure, it would be a triptych, that is, it would be made up of three separate episodes, and there would also be a fourth, “extra” part at the end.

The engineer of easy walks play Dostoyevsky, the second film on the works of Gogol, while the third Tolstoy Cossacks would be based on his novel. And the final stage is Yevgeny Vodolazkin Laurus would work on his novel.

The Russian president assured Kusturica that he would support the large-scale film idea. As Index wrote at the time, Emir Kusturica was chosen by the Russian Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, to be the Director General of the Russian Army Theater in February 2022.

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