Home » today » News » Inappropriate Feeding at Sofia Zoo Leads to Animal Deaths – Visitors Urged to Follow Rules

Inappropriate Feeding at Sofia Zoo Leads to Animal Deaths – Visitors Urged to Follow Rules

In the zoo in Sofia, a monkey and a meerkat died after eating inappropriate food thrown by visitors. This was reported by BNT.

In Sofia, because of the many visitors who do not follow the rules, approach the animals and feed them – the monkey cages are also partitioned with glass.

In front of the places where some bears live, more serious enclosures have been erected. Their purpose is not to disturb visitors, but to protect the animals.

“They should not be fed, they should not be disturbed, they should be handled with sticks or in some other way. If they are an attraction for us – the visitors are an attraction for them,” said Irina Sakhatchieva, “Public Relations” of Zoo, Sofia.

Any salt, candy or potato that is not intended for animals can cost them a lot of suffering and even death. And it turns out that there are no sanctions for people who break the rules at the zoo.

“We can establish the violation, however, by the time we get to the person or people to be punished, they have already passed or we have to call the police,” added Irina Sakhatchieva.

Therefore, the zoo hopes that visitors will follow the rules. And if they wish to feed the animals, they can donate food after consultation with the zoo team.

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2023-12-04 20:12:45

#Incident #Sofia #Zoo #monkey #meerkat #died #visitors #threw #food

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