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In Rennes, the girl’s rapes were posted on social networks – Rennes

It was by chance finding films posted on social networks that the parents of a 14-year-old girl from Rennes discovered hell. For months, their daughter had become the sex object of dozens of men in Rennes. Starlet of social networks, the young girl had fallen in love with a 16-year-old young man belonging to a well-known family in the community of travelers. Taking advantage of his “search for attention and his need to shine”, according to sources close to the investigation, the young man used his girlfriend’s naivety to rape and prostitute her for months. A judicial investigation for aggravated rape, aggravated pimping and act of torture and barbarism was opened last week by the Rennes prosecutor’s office.

The main author was imprisoned in the Nantes juvenile prison. Three of his cousins ​​aged 14 to 17 were indicted and placed under judicial control. Contacted, the Rennes prosecutor’s office does not envisage “any communication on this particularly sordid affair. »

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