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in Lyon, the tightening of restrictions is greeted with resignation


Like Aube and Nièvre, the Rhône has joined the list of departments affected by reinforced restriction measures in order to fight against the coronavirus epidemic. Since midnight Friday evening, the Lyonnais, like the Parisians or the inhabitants of Hauts-de-France before them, have therefore been “re-defined”. For their city, this Saturday marks the closure of “non-essential” businesses and the start of the ban on travel more than 10 km from home without certificate. And the situation is greeted rather with resignation, even skepticism, on the banks of the Rhône.

“I had to go on vacation … I will do it anyway”

“It’s dead, I’m going to spend my birthday alone,” says Nathalie, a Lyonnaise, at the microphone of Europe 1. She does not seem very convinced by the measures decided by the government, which she considers too late. “We could have perhaps made a containment in February … Maybe there we would have escaped”, she criticizes. Encountered a few meters further, Hugo, 25, has no intention of bullying himself. Especially since the spring break is scheduled in two weeks. “I had to go on vacation next week to Marseille,” he explains. “Well, I’ll do it anyway, but I’ll have to be careful …”

In his words, one feels the dawning of exasperation. “We had been eating well for over a year. We did our part of the job too. So yeah, I want to relax a bit,” he says. Yet, given recent data on Covid-19 contamination, many Lyonnais knew they would not escape additional measures. Friday afternoon, Clara had therefore scheduled a last little pleasure, shopping: “Zara, Mango … All the stores that are non-essential according to them but essential for us”, she says with a smile. .

Annick finds that the authorities can “not do otherwise”. “We realize that the confinement was effective in April, then in December … We must not be selfish.” But weariness seems to have already won the Lyonnais, while season three of confinement has only just begun.

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