“Spin-off” of the University of Burgundy, Synthesis Of Nanohybrids, more conveniently called SON, has just learned that it was a winner of the Bpifrance French Tech Émergence Grant and that it was joining the Deeptech community. A helping hand for this very young engineering company that is betting on nanoparticles to green the industry and find new cancer therapies.

The week got off to a good start for the start-up Synthesis Of Nanohybrids, more conveniently known as SON. She learned that she was a laureate of the Bpifrance French Tech Émergence Grant and that she was joining the Deeptech community. Concretely, the ……

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Keywords : Dijon, Côte-d’Or, technology transfer., Medical, chemical industry, University of Burgundy, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, SATT Sayens, Synthesis Of Nanohybrids, SON, Jérémy Paris, Pierre-Emmanuel Doulain Roger Martin BTP