Home » today » World » In Belgorod, a Ukrainian Armed Forces shell collapsed the entrance to a ten-story residential building, there were casualties

In Belgorod, a Ukrainian Armed Forces shell collapsed the entrance to a ten-story residential building, there were casualties

In Belgorod, on Kharkov Mountain, during massive shelling from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, an entire entrance to a ten-story residential building collapsed, reported head of the region Vyacheslav Gladkov. According to him, there was a “direct shell hit” on the high-rise building.

“The city of Belgorod and the Belgorod district were subjected to massive shelling from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. <…> I went to the place. All the details will come later,” the governor wrote in his Telegram channel.

In connection with the shelling of Belgorod, a criminal case of terrorism was opened (Article 205 of the Criminal Code), reported Investigative Committee of Russia. On behalf of the head of the department, Alexander Bastrykin, criminologists and experts from the central office were sent to the scene of the incident.

Local media clarifiedthat the entrance collapsed in house No. 55A on Shchorsa Street. TASS reportsthat Gladkov is already at the site of the collapse and is helping to clear away the rubble. Volunteers are being taken away cars parked near the house to make room for special equipment.

Shot reports about four dead, Readovka citing eyewitnesses addedthat there is a child among the victims. RIA Novosti writes about seven woundedBase — о 21 injured. According to her, the shell that destroyed the house was fired from the Vilkha MLRS. There is a video of the hit on the Internet:

Telegram channel “112” assertsthat 11 people were hospitalized, including two children – a 16-year-old teenager and an infant.

Channel “World of Belogorya” writesthat all residents of the house are being evacuated due to the threat of collapse – it also prevents them from clearing the rubble and looking for people under them. “Belgorod Canal” reports about the rescue of several people, TASS transmitsthat there is a child among them. Emergency services clarifiedthat 10 people may remain under the rubble, according to “112» – up to 20 people.

In the telegram channel of the Investigative Committee of Russia reportedthat during the massive shelling of Belgorod and the Belgorod region by the armed formations of Ukraine (UFU), “a civilian was killed, 28 adults and 1 child received shrapnel wounds to various parts of the body.”

The head of the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Andrei Kovalenko, said that the house in Belgorod “seems to have been blown up,” and called reports about the involvement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the destruction of the entrance “a provocation to inflate the situation.” According to him, the cause of the collapse “could have been a domestic explosion.”

Telegram channel “Front bird” writes, that the residential building “could have been hit by an aircraft missile; a version of a targeted strike from an MLRS is also being considered.” “The rocket hit the base of the house, which is why the entrance simply collapsed,” reports the author of the channel.

“Judging by the footage and the consequences, the blow was caused by something very powerful. Here we just have to wait for the rubble to be sorted out,” writes military correspondent Sergei Kolyasnikov.

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