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Immediately two All Stars home in Expedition Robinson

Attention: This article contains spoilers about the first episode of Expeditie Robinson: All Stars.

During the first test it immediately becomes clear that the serious business is. Tied to a tree on Zanzibar beach with a puzzle in front of them, the participants begin the adventure. If they manage to solve the puzzle, a key will be released with which they can free themselves. Once released, they must grab a yellow or orange bandana as quickly as possible. Much is at stake as the first two candidates win immunity. And that can make all the difference later on.

The two candidates who finish last will go home that same day. An announcement that makes many All Stars panic. The candidates who are loose do get the chance to help each other, which ensures that teams and associations are immediately formed.

For Gregory Sedoc and Kay Nambiar, the adventure ends before it even started. They do not know how to free themselves. “I didn’t succeed”, former winner Kay shares his frustration afterwards. “Still a puzzle where I have to complete it. That is very unreal, I have not even started for my idea yet. Worthless. I start that test with the idea: now it will start. But the beginning is the end. That is something I deeply regret.”

“I wanted to scream out, I went completely crazy in my head. It’s not finished yet. I haven’t started yet,” Gregory also looks back after the game. “I would have loved it so much, I was so ready.”

Originally, the new season, presented by Art Rooijakkers and Geraldine Kemper, would be exclusively shown at Videoland. Due to the loss of The voice of Holland on Friday night, is Expeditie Robinson: All Stars can now be seen every Thursday evening at 8.30 p.m. on RTL 4. Or look (already ahead) at Videoland.

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