Home » today » World » I’m not a wise dad and my son considers me a friend, says actor Patrik Děrgel

I’m not a wise dad and my son considers me a friend, says actor Patrik Děrgel

He is an actor and also a musician. But his band fell apart. “So I’ll start the topic with decline. One of the big problems was my megalomania,” laughs Patrik Děrgel. How are the rehearsals for the production of Forman, in which he alternates with Mark Adamczyk? What did the actors do for the role? Was he able to immerse himself in Miloš Forman? Does his view of the characters change over time?

“There were seven of us in the band and each one was from a different city in the republic. It took about half a year to get us together. Then we got together, had a concert and had a lot of fun. But we knew that we would meet again in six months. So we existed for a long time, but they met about four times,” he says.

“The guys are attacking me to give another concert somewhere. But my family got into it. People ask me if I feel young for fatherhood. I find it strange because my mom had me at 21.”

“But I’m not a wise dad, and little Vavřinec realizes that. He’s making fun of me. I put him to sleep recently and he tells me: Stay lying down, I want a friend to lie next to me,” smiles Patrik Děrgel in Close Encounters.

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