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“I’m getting married next year”

Juan Munoz, former member of the remembered duo “Cruz y Raya”, greets 2022 with two great news, one professional and the other personal. The first is that she has registered an end-of-year programme which can be seen on his YouTube channel, and in which they appear from Carlos Sobera to other colleagues of the “First Dates” team.

The second is that it came together Vickywho was his first girlfriend, and tells us that “we will get married in 2023. He is the great love of my life and fate made us meet again, I’m very happy. I am very much in love…”.

As for her special to say goodbye to the year, she says that “is full of very funny parodies and skits, and full of surprises. Today we finished recording it and it turned out really well. Those who want to see it, get on my channel, Juan Muñoz Official Comedian. He will like it a lot, I am sure of it. I have made a great effort to come out with a very original program with lots of laughs. I am very satisfied with the results. I have more than fifty thousand followers. And I’m sure after watching the special I’ll have many more.”

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