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IGP: Venus will continue to shine in the sunsets of the month of May in Peru

He Ministry of the Environment (MINAM)through the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP)registers in its astronomical calendar for the month of May a series of events that will be appreciated in our Peruvian sky.

During all the sunsets of this month, the Venus planet it will be visible very bright after sunset, presenting its unmistakable appearance as a very bright white “star” near the northwestern horizon.

In addition, throughout the month, we will have a good opportunity to observe the popular constellation “Cruz del Sur” in an upright position at a certain time of night.

In the first half of the month, it is recommended to observe it between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., where it will be at a good altitude above the southern horizon. For the second half of the month, observation is recommended between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

In order to locate it, it is recommended to look to the south and slightly raise your gaze.

Likewise, on Friday, May 5, we will be able to see the full Moon, which will present its visible face fully illuminated. Our natural satellite will rise to a near easterly direction at dusk and will be visible throughout the night.

Meteor shower “Eta Aquaridas”

This astronomical phenomenon will present its maximum of luminous traces in our sky during the night of May 5 to 6. Observing the tracks will be difficult due to the intense lunar brightness of the full Moon that night. The meteor shower is active from April 15 to May 27.

During this event, it had been estimated, as an ideal case, at approximately 60 meteors per hour that would be visible in the sky, but due to the presence of the brightness of the sky caused by the full Moon, much less will be observed. For those who try to observe this phenomenon, the best hours are at dawn, from 02:00 to before dawn.

This event occurs due to Halley’s comet that left small particles in orbit around the Sun, causing them to enter our atmosphere, disintegrating and generating traces of light.

On the other hand, on May 17, we will have a very good approximation between the Moon and Jupiter, where both stars will be visible very close in the sky. The stars will have an angular separation that will be, at its best, less than a lunar disk. It is important to mention that Mercury will also be part of this event and will be positioned well below them, much closer to the horizon.

Finally, the last event that we will appreciate will be the maximum western elongation of Mercury, on May 29 at dawn. On this date, the angular distance between this planet and the Astro Rey will be the greatest possible, so it will be the best opportunity to locate it as a small “star” near the eastern horizon, before the Sun rises. This is recommended date, because if we compare it with other nearby dates, this is the best to be able to observe the so-called messenger of the gods.

2023-05-01 22:58:06

#IGP #Venus #continue #shine #sunsets #month #Peru

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