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If stomach acid torments us, beware of these drinks

According to updated data from our Ministry of Health, one in three Italians suffers from stomach acid and related pains. Percentage, which even rises to two out of three after 50 Stomach acidity that often binds to gastroesophageal reflux. We have recently dealt with the topic on these columns and we invite you to read more at the end of the article. Stress, anxiety, poor diet, smoking and alcohol are the main causes of our stomach ailments. But, if stomach acid torments us beware of these drinks, they can really hurt us. The trouble is that we take them because they are sweet, pleasant and good, but they complicate the health of our intestines. Let’s see which ones are together with our Experts.

The risk of gastritis

Responsible for our stomach acidity are carbonated drinks, especially those containing cola, present on practically all our tables. The problem is that many mistakenly believe that this drink reduces stomach pain, while doing the opposite. Blame for increased production and circulation from gastric acids. Therefore increasing acidity, burning and pain increase which lead us to risk gastritis. But, also beware of drinking too much coffee and tea, especially prepared ones.

What is gastritis

If stomach acid torments us, beware of these drinks which can then lead to gastritis. Let’s analyze together what this inflammation is and how it forms in our body. By gastritis we mean the inflammation of the inner walls of our stomach. It can be divided into two types:

  • chronic, when, as the word itself says, it develops gradually over the years and can also accompany us forever;
  • acute, when it strikes us, instead, suddenly and more violently than the chronic one, but with limited time.

Come prevent it

To cure gastritis, we must necessarily turn to specialists, without putting do-it-yourself treatments into our head. To prevent it, however, we must resort to our willpower and our self-denial, especially at the table. We said, therefore, to limit, or even eliminate fizzy drinks with cola and dyes. But also, limit stress, avoid alcohol, do not smoke and agree a specific diet with our doctor or a dietician if we are afflicted by it.


We are very careful because if we are greedy of these foods we could suffer from gastric reflux

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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