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IC doctor Gommers: ‘I don’t understand anything about social media, Famke Louise can do that’

While the Netherlands is well on its way to a second lockdown with thousands of new corona infections every day, experts are wondering how they can once again bring the message about corona into the limelight. Young people are especially difficult to reach. Ic doctor Diederik Gommers of Erasmus MC in Rotterdam decided to take the bull by the horns with singer Famke Louise. He talks about it in the live TV broadcast Lof der Medicine.

“I was impressed by what happened there and especially by the amount of dredge she got over her. Then I thought, that is not good”, Gommers says about Famke Louise. In mid-September, he was in a TV broadcast with the singer for a discussion about the protest action #roadoennietmeermee. Many famous Dutch turned with the action against the government’s corona policy. Famke

Famke Louise at IC doctor Gommers at Erasmus MC
(text runs through below photo

Gommers invited 21-year-old Famke Louise to visit the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. About that meeting he says: “I took a piece of paper and started drawing how a virus enters. I was able to explain so clearly that contamination is via droplets and that we normally hold our hand in front of us to sneeze, but that we don’t handy. And then you slowly see a smile emerge. “

One lesson is that we have to look at what they need for each target group

ic doctor Diederik Gommers

Eliminating the misunderstanding and lack of knowledge, that is, according to Gommers, the solution to make people aware of the seriousness of the pandemic and the need to comply with the corona measures.

His colleague and virologist Marion Koopmans agrees. She sees very different reactions on her Twitter account: “Sometimes nice, sometimes annoying. People say very sensible things, but there are also a lot of people with opinions that shout.”fake news‘and’ the virus is made up ‘. They can get quite fierce and it is difficult to deal with. I think we should think about that; how should we actually do that. “

Fragment from Praise of Medicine. Text continues under video

Campagne via YouTube

A result of Famke Louise’s visit to Gommers is that the duo has now come up with a new information campaign. The doctor is hopeful that he can reach the young people in this way. “We would like to explain what we know and especially what we don’t know. I think that helps to understand better; what things to do, what is really important and what is not. I said to Famke, if I contribute with Marion. to the knowledge, can you help tell this to young people, because that is your trade. And I don’t understand anything about social media. “

Famke Louise wants to launch the campaign on Monday October 5 via her YouTube channel.

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