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“I don’t know when I will be hit by Xi Jinping”… Identity of those who fled China

Chinese billionaire heading to Singapore
The family office has doubled year on year
The real estate market is also ‘excited’… January-September 8% ↑
Rapid increase in the number of newly registered luxury cars

[사진출처 = 연합뉴스

시진핑 주석이 3연임에 성공하면서 중국 억만장자들이 싱가포르로 향하고 있다고 블룸버그통신이 16일 보도했다.

분배에 방점을 둔 ‘공동부유’ 정책을 피하려는 억만장자들의 엑소더스라는 것이다.

더욱이 시진핑 국가주석이 제20차 공산당 전국대표대회에서 자신의 측근을 상무위원 자리에 6명이나 올리면서 공동부유 정책을 더욱 강화할 것이라는 우려가 이들의 탈중국을 부추겼다게 전문가들의 분석이다.

알리바바와 텐센트 등 빅테크 기업들에 대한 반독점 조사, 부동산 개발 기업을 대상으로 한 강도 높은 단속을 중국 억만장자들은 눈으로 확인한 터라 억만장자들의 탈중국은 더욱 가속화할 것이라고 블룸버그는 전망했다.

[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

The news agency said that the recent increase in “family offices” in Singapore is also part of the Chinese billionaires’ rush to Singapore. This is because the main clients of the Family Office, born in Singapore to manage the family assets of wealthy people, are Chinese. In fact, there are 700 family offices in Singapore, almost double from the previous year.

“The number of inquiries from Chinese clients doubled immediately after the 20th Party Congress,” said Michael Marquette, a staff member at IQ-EQ Asia consultancy to support the establishment of a family office.

This phenomenon can also be seen in the real estate market. While the global property market has declined sharply due to the economic downturn, Singapore’s was up 8% year-on-year from January to September. This is proof that the money comes from outside.

In addition, the number of newly registered luxury cars such as Bentleys and Rolls-Royces have increased by 26% and 90% respectively compared to 2019, and the prices of golf resort memberships have also soared. According to data from Henry & Partners, some 10,000 wealthy people in China are trying to get $48 billion (63.5 trillion won) overseas.

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