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I didn’t mistreat her.. “but I killed her”

In the consequences of the death of teacher Wafaa Al-Ghamdi, who breathed her last last September, today, in the first court session, witnessed by the Criminal Court in Jeddah, the husband of the treacherous woman admitted that he had committed the crime of murder.

He also confessed to the presence of the eldest daughter – who is in her second decade of life – the moment he committed his treacherous crime, which claimed the life of a mother of four of the young children.

In the background of the case, the traitor did what he did, after receiving a summons letter from the police station, after the victim wrote an official report against him, accusing him of ill-treatment and beating, which was met by the husband by committing his act, which shook public opinion at the time. Wide interaction, and topped the social networking sites.

In the session witnessed by the brothers and sisters of the deceased, the perpetrator who was taken with handcuffs and legs tied, and despite his confession of his crime, insisted on denying his abuse and assault on the wife, in a form of contradiction coupled with a lack of mercy and pity, while sources reported that the judge requested the presence of the deceased’s father in the The next session, as the guardian of children who have not exceeded the legal age.

In view of the case, the legal advisor and lawyer for blood guardians, Ahmed Bin Shaflout, sees:News24That the case is still under consideration, after the process was actually initiated through the start of the sessions, and he did not hide his confidence in the justice of the judiciary, which has always given each case its sufficient space for consideration, until the stage of truth is reached, so that judgments can be rendered on a fair and studied basis.

As for the lawsuit – according to lawyer Ben Shaflout – and the one circulating in public opinion via social media about the details of the incident, its causes, circumstances of its commission, and its purposes, he denied everything that was being reported, and he added, “The words contradict the truth, and carry hidden goals that are not done to hit the truth with anything.” Stressing that he and his colleagues seek to prove what is commensurate with the lawsuits filed in general, even if they contain secrets that may have a role in the course of events, calling at the same time for deliberation and not anticipating events in this case and other cases pending with the authorities. justice.

The relatives of the deceased had They explained in previous statements to “News 24What the crime scene witnessed, as they confirmed that the husband assaulted his wife that morning, and after he received a summons letter from the police station, he returned home and found her returning from work, so he lured her to the kitchen, and stabbed her twice, which cost her life.

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