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Hypochondria? Find out if you are an imaginary sufferer

Sometimes a simple headache is enough to go into crisis. It always starts like this: migraines, endless visits, countless exams. The purpose? Quench the fear that something bad might happen. In times of Covid-19, these fears have multiplied. But what do they come from? How can we face them? How about trying to answer these questions about hypochondria to find out if you are an imaginary sufferer.

What is hypochondria

Hypochondria is a form ofanxiety which manifests itself in the constant fear of getting sick. In fact, the worst is immediately thought of at the first symptoms. It’s like a constant feeling of danger. The person suffering from it has the feeling that something bad is always going to happen to him. It is a state of perennial alarm that generates anguish and prevents one from living in peace.

Fear for oneself or for others?

Typically the hypochondriac fears for his life, magnifying even the slightest ailments. However, fear can also affect the most loved ones.

When does it occur?

Hypochondria can manifest itself at any time in life, even in someone who has always been rational. According to experts, hypochondria does not derive only from precise circumstances, but from events that date back to our childhood. Underlying hypochondria may be the need for care and understanding. So people who didn’t get the attention they needed when they were small may try to get it back in adulthood.

How to deal with it?

To get better, the only solution is to learn to deal with problems in small steps. When you feel a symptom you shouldn’t rush to the emergency room right away. You can ask a doctor for a consultation, or take time to rationally evaluate the symptoms.

Today it is much more tiring

The difficult historical moment that we are going through certainly does not help us. Covid-19 causes even the most rational to fear for their health whenever someone sneezes nearby. In this case, hypochondria also represents an obsessive form of control, a way to try not to be overwhelmed by events experienced as threatening.

Don’t think you suffer from hypochondria? Find out if you are an imaginary sufferer

Usually those suffering from hypochondria tend to cure their symptoms by themselves, altering the diet, using over-the-counter drugs, abusing them, giving up sports etc. A double tip? Don’t rush to the doctor right away, but avoid doing it yourself.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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