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Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Assert Validity of Plea Deal Despite Special Counsel Appointment

Hunter Biden’s​ lawyers maintain that their deal⁢ with the Justice Department to resolve a felony gun charge is ​still “valid and ​binding,” according to a​ court filing on Sunday. However, it remains unclear​ if the newly appointed special counsel, David⁤ Weiss, agrees with their interpretation. Weiss was granted special ⁣counsel ​status after plea talks to resolve tax and gun charges broke ⁤down. Attorney ⁣General⁤ Merrick Garland’s decision to name Weiss as a special counsel gives him ⁣more powers and independence as he potentially prepares for a trial against the son ‌of the sitting president. The⁢ parties had previously struck two deals, including a plea agreement for two federal tax misdemeanors and a diversion ‌agreement ‍to drop the felony gun charge in ⁢two‍ years if Biden passed drug tests and stayed out ‍of⁤ legal trouble. The plea deal fell apart in court last month, and negotiations collapsed last week. Biden’s lawyers argue ‌that Weiss decided to renege on the previously agreed-upon ⁤plea agreement after​ negotiations fell apart. They believe ‍the gun deal was fully executed when it was signed by both ‌parties ‍and ​presented to a federal judge. Biden’s lawyers assert⁢ that they have‌ a valid and binding bilateral diversion agreement and that their client ⁣intends​ to abide by its terms. They also place the blame on federal prosecutors for‍ the deal falling through. The‌ gun charge against ‍Hunter Biden stems from a firearm he purchased in 2018, where he lied on‍ a federal form⁤ about⁤ his drug use. The tax offenses relate ‍to ‍his⁢ failure to ⁢pay ‍taxes on time,⁤ although he eventually settled his debts. House Speaker‍ Kevin McCarthy and ⁣top Republicans criticized Garland’s​ decision to grant ⁤Weiss special counsel​ status‌ and vowed to continue their own investigations. ⁤Democratic⁢ Representative Dan Goldman stated that if Hunter Biden has committed crimes, he should be charged with them, emphasizing‍ the independence of the Department⁢ of Justice. Republican presidential candidate Will Hurd argued that the immediate family of a⁤ president should not⁢ be ⁤allowed to be lobbyists or consultants.
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2) How does Hunter Biden’s legal team justify their⁢ assertion ‌that the⁢ agreement with⁤ the Justice Department remains valid and binding despite the recent developments

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According to a court filing on Sunday, Hunter Biden’s legal team is adamant that their ⁢agreement with the Justice Department to settle a felony gun⁣ charge remains “valid and binding.” However, the position of the recently appointed special counsel, David Weiss, ‍regarding this matter is yet to be determined.

2 thoughts on “Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Assert Validity of Plea Deal Despite Special Counsel Appointment”

  1. Interesting development, I wonder how the special counsel appointment will affect the plea deal.

    Max: The validity of the plea deal will certainly be a point of contention, but let’s see how it plays out in court.

  2. I’m curious to see how Hunter Biden’s lawyers will argue the validity of the plea deal amidst the special counsel appointment.


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