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Hungarian Advisers Help Polish Party in Power with Election Campaign: Reports

The Polish party in power, Law and Justice, hired advisers to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban back in the summer to help with the election campaign.

Source: Polish edition Policy with reference to “several sources associated with the PiS election headquarters,” writes “European truth”

Details: The publication writes that Hungarian advisers to the Polish party in power appeared in June, when European Deputy Tomas Porenba resigned from the post of head of the election headquarters, and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki increased his influence on the campaign.

Polityka’s interlocutors say that the advisers did not physically appear at PiS headquarters, but “had a great influence on the course of the campaign.”

Among other things, it was they who allegedly suggested shift the focus of the campaign to the issue of migrants, and also raised the idea of ​​holding referendums on election day. Let us remember that Orban used the same technology during the parliamentary elections in April 2022.

In addition, the solution is active attack Polish opposition leader Donald Tusk seems to also be connected with the advice of the Hungarians, as well as the Prime Minister of Poland, says the Polityka material – because Fidesz was able to mobilize the electorate through attacks on George Soros.

“They (Hungarian advisers. – Ed.) argued that it was enough to transfer into our strategy what worked for them, and we would get victory. They simply did not take into account the Polish electoral specifics and public sentiment,” an interlocutor from PiS told the publication. .

Let us remind you that, according to official data, five political forces and blocs are entering the Polish parliament: the ruling Law and Justice party with a result of 35.38%, the key opposition bloc Civic Coalition with 30.70%, the Third Way with 14.40 %, “Left” with 8.61% and the far-right “Confederation” with 7.16%.

With these election results, despite the formal victory of the Law and Justice party, which has led the country for the past eight years, the Civic Coalition, Third Way and Left have a chance to form a government.

More details on the topic of elections in Poland – in video blog “EuroPravdy”and also in the article Poland votes for a change of power: what does this mean and how relations with Ukraine will change.

2023-10-20 16:08:54

#Poland #ruling #party #hired #Orban #advisers #elections

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