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Humorist Fernando Rocha got a new prosthesis for a boy who was born without a hand

The comedian Fernando Rocha got a new prosthesis for Diogo Farinhoto, the 10 year old boy from Caminha who was born without his right hand.

With the support of 13 thousand euros for a solidary show, which filled the Municipal Pavilion of Caminha, on Saturday night, and the support of a specialized company, the objective of helping the child was achieved. On his official Facebook page, the artist published, where, in his own way, he summarized his enthusiasm for the situation: “We managed to … !!!”.

“Mission accomplished. Today I want to thank the public of Caminha for going to this show that had the objective of raising money for a prosthesis for little Diogo. Result, full house and goal achieved”, wrote Fernando Rocha, referring that the feat was achieved as a result of the “union of various forces”.

“One day I saw the case of Diogo on social networks and volunteered to offer a show, someone saw my post (Henrique Dantas) and sent it to Diogo’s parents and the local authority of Caminha, who soon became available with the pavilion, @audio_stage of my great friend Paulo Baixinho, offered the sound and light. With this, we managed to raise 13,000 euros, despite not being able to cover the costs of the prosthesis, Dr. Marco Baggini from @ortoadapta company that built the prosthesis, took over the rest, “he said, concluding:” This event did not change the world, but it changed this child’s life. There is one thing I want to say to little Diogo to the wonderful audience: “We managed to … !!!”.

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