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Humanoid Studios: The director of the Mass Effect trilogy is making an AAA sci-fi game!

Casey Hudson’s new studio is developing a multiplatform game, and it’s not an existing IP, but something brand new to be made at Humanoid Studios, which he founded as early as June last year.

A Humanoid Studios website he revealed more details about his first game. This team is led by former BioWare CEO Casey Hudson. It will be an AAA multiplatform game set in a new sci-fi universe, so the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC will most likely get a creation with a character-centric narrative, four of which have been published by Humanoid Studios. These can be viewed below.

In the first image, two astronauts discover a stony planet where they can either discover the ruins of earlier civilizations or something much more serious about them. The second image probably still has the same two characters on this planet, but now it’s about sampling. In the third picture, we can see an area that looks like a bar or a place to relax on a modern space station, and the planets can be clearly seen through the window. And in the fourth and final picture, perhaps a snow-capped, flowing area reminiscent of the Earth unfolds before us, but something unknown is still here in the form of white structures in the mountains, and some spaceships are heading for them.

The game is still in its very early stage of development, so don’t expect it to be released before 2025, and the official announcement won’t happen any time soon. There are several job advertisements on the Humanoid Studios website, and several of them mention that we can see unique creatures in the game, which has not yet been announced, but who knows if this concept will end up in the final, in-store edition, or during development, this idea is taken out of the project.

We’ll be wondering how much impact the first three will have Mass Effect to the game, as these were directed by anno Hudson, so it is almost certain that he will be affected to some extent by his past success.

Source: Gematsu

Humanoid Studios Concept Artwork 03 21 22 004

Humanoid Studios Concept Artwork 03 21 22 003

Humanoid Studios Concept Artwork 03 21 22 002

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