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How to whiten elbows and knees with natural ingredients

17. How to whiten elbows and knees with natural ingredients
Illustration of How to Whiten Elbows and Knee. Photo: Ist / Net

How to whiten elbows and knees will help give the best appearance for women. Some women will feel irritated when their knees and elbows turn black.

Especially if they were working in a short skirt, it would be annoying when their knees were black. Because black knees and elbows look less attractive.

Don’t be confused when you face a problem like this, because there is still a way to get clean skin on your knees and elbows. Especially with materials that are easily available so that it makes it easier to whiten the black parts.

How to Whiten Elbows and Knee

Black knees and elbows are usually due to frequent friction, which makes the skin darker. However, there are several possibilities that make the skin darker.

For example, because of the effects of aging that occur in elderly people along with dark spots. Then there is friction activity that often occurs, causing the knees and elbows to darken.

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Dark knees and elbows can also be due to a lack of hygiene, it is necessary to use certain products to clean the knees and elbows to avoid dark skin. Don’t worry about the cause of blackened skin because there are ways to whiten elbows and knees using natural ingredients.

Sun exposure can also trigger skin darkening in certain areas. If your skin type is dry skin, it will quickly experience dead skin which makes certain areas start to blacken.

To overcome the problem of dark knees and elbows due to the above causes, you can use natural ingredients such as the following to fade dark areas. You can easily find these ingredients at affordable prices.


Lemon contains citric acid and vitamin C so it can be useful for lightening dark skin. Even some beauty products now use lemon as its main ingredient because of this property.

It’s easy to use lemon to treat dark skin. You do this by cutting the lemon in half and rubbing it on the knee and elbow area for about 5-10 minutes.

Do it slowly on dark skin areas regularly 3-4 times a week. This method of whitening elbows and knees can be useful if you are painstaking.

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Aloe vera

Besides being effective for hair care, this plant can actually brighten dark skin areas, especially the knees and elbows. The trick is to split the aloe vera into two parts.

Use the gel part only and you can apply it to dark skin areas. Aloe vera is effective in treating dark skin because of the content in it which can be a natural skin moisturizer.

Coconut oil

Some people think that all types of oil are good for moisturizing the skin. However, you should not use oil carelessly because only a few oils are effective as a way to whiten blackened elbows and knees.

These oils are like olive oil and coconut oil. You can use both oils when you finish bathing by rubbing them on your knees and elbows regularly. Later, dark areas of skin can become whiter.

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Sugar and Baking Soda

Baking soda has many advantages. In addition to making food, this ingredient can help brighten the skin. While sugar can help to remove dead skin cells.

Easy is not a way to whiten elbows and knees by finding the ingredients. Because these two ingredients can be available at the nearest convenience store.

It’s no wonder these two ingredients combine to produce brighter skin for knees and elbows. Prepare 1/3 tablespoon baking soda with added water to make the dough into a paste.

Then add sugar to taste. Then you can apply it to the knees and elbows with a gentle massage. If it is evenly distributed, then let it stand for a while and rinse using cold water.


Yogurt with a sour taste can be a safe solution for dark areas of skin. By cleansing and moisturizing the skin naturally, you can also use a mixture of lemon and turmeric water for maximum results. By whitening the elbows and knees like using a scrub, it will make the skin brighter. (R10/HR-Online)

Editor : Eva Latifah

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