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How to Stay Safe During the Nordic Response Military Exercise in Northern Norway

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To make a long story short

  • PST and the police have received several inquiries from the public in connection with the large military exercise “Nordic Response” in northern Norway.
  • Over 20,000 soldiers from at least 14 countries, as well as over 50 ships and 110 planes and helicopters take part in the exercise between 3 and 14 March.
  • PST encourages the public to report suspicious activity

Sea view

– We have received several inquiries. The audience is obviously alert and watching. They report what they think is suspicious, says senior adviser in PST, Eirik Veum, to Dagbladet on Wednesday.

On Sunday, PST and the police issued a press release in which they asked people in northern Norway to be vigilant in connection with the military exercise “Nordic Response”, which will take place between 3 and 14 March.

This asks the PST and the police to pay attention to:

Unusual activity

  • People who film and photograph military material, personnel or buildings
  • Vehicles that are observed in such areas over time
  • Boats and vehicles with unusual or a lot of technical equipment
  • Boats with foreign crew requesting a port of emergency without an obvious reason
  • Boats with foreign crews that stay close to training areas
  • Boats with foreign crew photographing maritime exercises and government personnel

Service industry and service providers

  • Unusual orders with unusual reasons. Activities such as fieldwork or tourism out of season or in unusual areas
  • Visiting workers who, for example, represent an employer do not have business in the area
  • Unusual access requests
  • Unusual inquiries from suppliers
  • Visiting foreign persons with itineraries in the training area

Acquisition of sensitive information

  • People who request sensitive information – such as soldiers’ whereabouts, travel routes and names
  • People who have sketches, drawings or photos of areas with critical infrastructure or training areas
  • People who share detailed information about practice activities on social media or in other ways

Social Media

  • Strange phone calls, attempted fraud, identity theft or obtaining information, for example from someone claiming to be from the police or defense
  • Data loss or data breach that may contain information about people or activities that can be linked to the exercise

Abnormal activity on technical platforms

  • Local disturbances in telecommunications and data networks, e.g. failure of the internet, networks, databases on platforms that are normally stable during periods and areas of exercise activity

The police ask that you document as much of the activity as possible, for example by taking pictures – without exposing yourself or others to risk.

You can contact the police on 02800 / 78 97 20 00

Sea view

Over 20,000 soldiers from at least 14 countries will take part in the huge military exercise. In addition, over 50 ships and over 110 aircraft and helicopters will take part in the exercise, which will take place in northern Norway, Finland and Sweden.

The majority of the exercise in Norway will take place in Troms and western Finnmark.

– Vigilant

Senior advisor Veum tells Dagbladet that PST and the police have already checked out inquiries. This is also important to clarify whether something is not suspicious.

– We have checked several of the inquiries. It is also important to get feedback in cases where everything can have a perfectly normal explanation, says Veum.

He is positive that the public contacts PST when they see something suspicious.

– The audience responds when we ask people to follow along. It shows that the call is accepted, says the senior advisor and adds:

THE CARRIAGE: American vehicles on their way to Andøya by ferry in February. Photo: Nathalie Tjelflåt Andersen / Defense Show more

– Both PST and the police work with the information that is reported.

– A reason why we go out

– Have you received any useful tips?

– We do not wish to comment on that.

Veum points out that the general security situation has worsened in recent years – and that interest in the northern regions has increased.

– There is a reason why we are issuing the call now, he says.

2024-02-21 20:15:42

#tip #suspicious #activity

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