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How To Secure Your Cell Phone Data Before It Is Sold or Stolen

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Securing data on cellphones is considered important to prevent data leaks that can harm users.

Some of these things can be done to anticipate if the cellphone is stolen or when it is sold.

Cyber ​​security observer from Vaksin.com, Alfons Tanuwijaya shares a number of tips for securing sensitive video data on cellphones so that they are not misused by others.

Here are some ways to keep data on your phone safe.

1. Make sure Encryption is Enabled

Check data storage encryption technology, which is usually implemented in various types of cellphones, be it iOS or Android.

This is important to protect the data on the cellphone, because the provider will usually save the data that users have to Cloud storage.

Furthermore, Alfons also explained to double-check the encryption on the cellphone. In this case the user must check the password or pin used.

It is recommended to create a complex password with a combination of more than four numbers, and create a pin that is not easily guessed by those who want to steal our cellphones.

“If the password is 00000 or QWERT it can be guessed, because the password is easy to read by thieves or people who take our cellphones. The key must be a bit complicated,” said Alfons when contacted some time ago (30/12).

In addition, he also suggested activating the existing biometric functions, as a support for security. Biometrics is a complement to password security, in the form of fingerprint recording and retinal recording.

2. Doing Factory Reset

The way to secure data before the cellphone is sold or other stolen is to do a factory reset. If the cell phone is to be sold, it is important to do so factory reset or reset factory settings.

In this way, data on the user’s cellphone can be deleted, but it must be ensured that the data cannot be opened.

Alfons also reminded users smartphone Those who want to sell their cellphones can fill data back into cellphones that have been formatted with photos, videos, and songs until they are full and then delete them again so that the data that is still stored is closed by the latest files.

“Need to save format or save destroy, when it is formatted, it is filled again with blank data. If not like that, it is likely that the files in the local storage are still there “

Secure HP Prevent Data Spread when Changing Hands


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