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How to properly wash your hands with hand soap

FAJARPENDIDIKAN.co.id-One of the most basic things is to wash your hands when you have done certain activities.

Even now washing hands is one of the health protocols that must be implemented by everyone. Under any circumstances, whenever you have time to wash your hands, you are required to wash your hands.

This is implemented directly by public places that provide hand washing facilities in front of their buildings. So that visitors can wash their hands before entering the building.

Of course, this is expected to take care of each other, and protect themselves from the transmission of the Covid-19 virus which has not subsided as well. However, there are still many people who wash their hands properly, washing their hands properly will not kill germs or viruses even though they have been washed with water and hand soap.

So now you can easily find posters and digital or TV ads that explain how to wash your hands properly using hand soap. Because it’s useless if you wash your hands diligently but the process in washing your hands is not correct.

Things That Cause Hand Washing Required Using Hand Soap

Apart from the Covid-19 virus, the recommendation to wash hands has actually existed since time immemorial before the Covid-19 virus spread to Earth, and destroyed part of the human population because they died from being infected with the secretly deadly Covid-19 virus.

Basically washing hands using soap is to remove germs or bacteria microorganisms that are not visible to the eye, which are feared to spread to and from other people. So it can cause several diseases.

These diseases can arise at trivial moments according to you. Here are the times that you often underestimate as follows:

  • Touching parts of the face such as eyes, mouth and nose without washing hands.
  • Serve food and drink with dirty or unwashed hands.
  • Handling objects that are indicated by viruses and bacteria.
  • Saliva as a result of you blowing your mouth, or coughing, and sneezing, for example, falls into your hands, and those hands touch objects around you.

Important Times to Wash Hands Using Hand Soap.

After you know the times that you often underestimate or maybe forget. Now, it’s time for you to take note of the important times to wash your hands using hand soap yours sincerely.

  • When it comes to food. Always try to wash your hands with hand soap before eating, during preparing or preparing food, and after preparing food and after eating.
  • Caring for people with diarrhea. When you are in a position as a guard or nurse for someone who is sick with diarrhea, you are required to wash your hands using hand soap, before and after caring for that person.
  • Treat wounds. It seems that for this you already know that treating wounds must be in a clean state, the condition of the hands that have been washed with hand soap. So you don’t have to worry about bacteria getting into the wound.
  • Your time after using the toilet.
  • The time you have taken out the trash or cleaned up the trash.

How to properly wash hands using hand soap.

Once you know the times when you are required to wash your hands. You also need to know and understand well how to properly wash your hands using hand soap.

Before that, you have to make sure that your hand soap has the best ingredients, one of which is antiseptic.

Here are the correct ways to wash your hands using hand soap.

  1. Use hand soap and running water to wash your hands.
  2. Put your palms together and rub each other until evenly distributed.
  3. The back and between the fingers of both palms must be clean by rubbing alternately with each other.
  4. Lock both hands using the side fingers.
  5. Twist and rub your thumb into the grip of one hand, and repeat this step with the other hand.
  6. The fingers of one hand are placed in the palm of a different hand, turning it forwards and backwards. Do the same for the other hand.

Here’s how to properly wash your hands using hand soap that you can practice immediately. So that what you do is not in vain.

Don’t forget to also choose hand soap that contains antiseptic, without excessive fragrance which will cause rashes and skin irritation.

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