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How to Overcome Hair Loss and Prevent Baldness

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Changes in weather often cause hair loss, oily scalp and split ends. This can lead to thinning hair or baldness depending on various reasons.

Maybe you’re tired of seeing strands of hair on your clothes, on the floor, and falling out everywhere you go. However, hair loss is very normal and many people experience it.

Losing about 50 to 100 strands daily is considered normal. However, the experience of prolonged hair loss can be worrying.

Hair loss can be caused by heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or it may accompany aging. Often hair loss is not a serious issue to worry about, but in extreme cases, you may need to consult a doctor.

What causes hair loss?

There are various reasons why a person experiences hair loss, including:

– Hereditary (androgenic alopecia)

– Aging

– Give birth to

– Various diseases or stress

– Chemotherapy for cancer treatment

– A medical condition called Alopecia Areata

How to reduce hair loss?

There are many natural ways to treat hair loss at home if you don’t want to see a doctor. The key factor is understanding your hair type and how it reacts to external factors such as the sun, pollution, water and chemicals.

Once you understand your hair well, choosing a hair care routine becomes easier. Customize your hair care according to what is needed and not what others follow. Some of the solutions you should consider are as follows:

1. Reduce the use of chemicals on hair

Your hair may be very sensitive to the strong chemicals found in shampoos and conditioners. Try replacing your regular shampoo with a milder shampoo or a shampoo specifically designed for sensitive hair.

2. Hair care routine

The schedule for washing your hair or the products you use may be too much. Try to reduce the amount of product and don’t wash your hair often. Your scalp naturally secretes oils that are essential for healthy hair so whenever your hair feels greasy, don’t wash it right away. Limit washing your hair to once or twice a week for healthier looking hair.

3. Nutrition

The intake of nutrients in your body also plays an important role in the growth and health of hair. Consumption of vitamin A helps the production of oil (sebum) in the scalp and vitamin E helps blood circulation which helps hair follicles and B vitamins help maintain healthy hair color.

4. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes

Alcohol intake can hinder healthy hair growth and smoking affects the amount of blood circulating to your scalp. Avoiding these activities can significantly improve the health of your hair.

5. Handle wet hair

A very important step of improper hair care is handling wet hair. Right after washing or after any activity that involves water can be very brittle and break easily for the hair.

Don’t rub your hair with a rough towel to dry it faster, just go slow. It’s a good idea to replace the towel entirely with an old T-shirt or a softer fabric material that won’t create as much harsh friction on your hair.

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