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How to Make a Delicious Spinach and Feta Pie Step by Step: Easy Recipe for a Creamy and Fragrant Dish!

A spinach and feta pie is always a hit with your family. See how it is done step by step to reproduce every time you want a creamy and fragrant dish!

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Also known as spanakopita, this pie with feta cheese and spinach has an easy recipe that can be implemented even by those who are less experienced in the kitchen. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never made a pie before. This amazing Greek Spinach Pie recipe is made in just an hour from scratch. For those who wonder if it is worth making your own spinach pie at home, the answer is very simple: nothing compares to the smell of a fragrant, warm, golden, crispy, fresh homemade pie.

Regarding the ingredients of this piece, you should know that spinach is recommended for those who are recovering from a serious illness, as well as being in a state of tiredness and fatigue. The role of an activator of pancreatic secretions and, in addition, an anticancer agent is also known as spinach. In addition, spinach preparations can replace iron supplements and folic acid. Due to the inclusion of potassium and a small dose of sodium, spinach is very useful in reducing high blood pressure. High blood pressure is sometimes responsible for kidney disease, heart problems and stroke, but you can prevent them by eating spinach.

Ingredients for four servings

For the top:

175 g flour

100 g without

3 egg yolks

50 ml of cold water

For the filling:

2 onions

40 ml of oil

2 cloves of garlic

200 g spinach

3 eggs

140 g feta cheese

300 g cream


a piper

4-5 cherry tomatoes

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How to make spinach pie

Heat the oven to 200 ° C. Combine the flour with the cold butter and stir until it has the consistency of sand. Add the yolks and homogenize and, if necessary, pour more cold water. After the dough is homogeneous, you wrap it in food foil and refrigerate it for half an hour.

You spread a thin sheet, which you put in a tray, including the edges, and you put in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

For the filling, heat half the oil in a saucepan and sauté the chopped onions until translucent. Then add the crushed garlic cloves and, after a minute, set aside.

Save the spinach in the rest of the oil until the remaining water is reduced, then add the cream and two eggs and season with salt and pepper to taste.

See also: A quick and filling idea: pasta with chicken and spinach sauce

Set aside and add half of the crumbled feta cheese. Beat the remaining egg with the grated feta cheese.

Place the sauteed onions on the counter, then spread the spinach mixture and the beaten egg on top, in which you will stick the cherry tomatoes. Put in the oven for 20 minutes.

PHOTO: Shutterstock

2024-05-12 19:03:49
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