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How to Lower Cholesterol in Children: Causes, Signs, and Food Rules

The problem of weight and increased cholesterol is no longer an alarm signal only for adults. In Romania, one out of two children has weight problems, the main cause being unhealthy food and the lack of variety in the diet.

Excess caloric consumption, which predominates in foods rich in fat, sweets and fast food products, not only causes the accumulation of extra pounds and the increase of cholesterol, but also the evolution over time of serious diseases from an early age, such as diabetes type 2, liver enlargement or cardiovascular disease.

When does cholesterol become dangerous?

When it impedes blood circulation in the body, cholesterol can become a cardiovascular risk factor for children. This type of cholesterol is called LDL-cholesterol or “bad cholesterol” and it deposits on blood vessels due to excess fat, thickening and narrowing them until the transport of nutrient-rich blood is blocked.

Causes of high cholesterol in children

A wrong assumption regarding the causes of high cholesterol in children is the fact that nutrition contributes decisively to its increase. However, the risk factors are much more varied:

obesity caused by metabolic disorders
lack of physical exercise, despite a balanced diet, the genetic factor – the tendency to increase cholesterol is transmitted from one generation to another

Normal cholesterol values ​​in children

Specialists specify that an acceptable level of total cholesterol in children and adolescents must be below 170 mg/dl, of which LDL (bad cholesterol) should not be higher than 110 mg/dl.

What are the signs of high cholesterol in children?

Unfortunately, excess cholesterol in children does not show signs until too late, when complications arise. That is why preventive screening through routine blood tests, carried out every year, is essential. In this way, high cholesterol (dyslipidemia) can be detected early and treated before more serious problems arise.

A distinct sign of high cholesterol that occurs in adults, but can also be present in children, is the appearance of fat deposits on the eyelids.

However, there are a number of risk factors that predispose children to high cholesterol values. Among them are:

Food rules for cholesterol regulation in children

In order to reduce “bad cholesterol”, a healthy diet is essential, as it manages to reduce blood cholesterol levels by up to 10%. In this sense, even the smallest changes in diet can bring multiple benefits:

Dark chocolate is preferable to milk chocolate – studies have shown that it contains Omega 3 fatty acids that can prevent cardiovascular diseases;
Sunflower oil can be replaced with olive oil (but don’t overdo it)which lowers cholesterol levels and controls blood sugar levels, thus preventing heart disease;
Fatty pork can be replaced with chicken, turkey or fish, rich in fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6 which helps to reduce cholesterol;
Replace refined grains, which have a high amount of sugar, with whole grains – they are rich in vitamin B, minerals, fibers and have a low fat content, being a real dressing for the heart and, at the same time, a delicious breakfast.
Nuts, almonds and hazelnuts can be included in snacks instead of sweetsprotecting against cardiovascular diseases, through the rich content of Omega 3 fatty acids.

Sources: emedicinehealth.com, aafp.org, clevelandclinic.org

2023-06-29 07:41:23
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