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How to choose the right milk for a strong immune system

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Milk become one of the important sources of intake in the middle pandemic. Consumption of milk can help increase body endurance.

A strong immune system requires vitamin D intake. Several studies have found that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a higher risk of infection.

Vitamin D is generally obtained through sun exposure. In addition, you can also get vitamin D from milk intake.

“This milk perfect food because there is vitamin D, and for absorption there is fat content,” said nutritionist, Emilia E Achmadi, in a statement Interview.

Emilia said consumption of one to two glasses of milk per day is enough.

Quotes Medical News Today, milk is also a healthy source of protein. One of these proteins is needed for the production of white blood cells, which play an important role in the formation of antibodies.

In order to produce large numbers of white blood cells, a person needs to ensure adequate amounts of protein, including them in the diet each day. This will help build the extra defenses needed in the event of an infection.

Basically, all milk has the same properties and nutritional content. However, there are certain types of milk that should be avoided.

How to Choose Milk

Emilia said, good milk is milk that has minimal processing. Call it fresh milk and pasteurized milk.

Unfortunately, both fresh milk and pasteurized milk have a drawback, namely that they must be stored at 4 degrees Celsius. The wrong way of storage will actually trigger bacteria.

However, you don’t have to worry. You are still advised to drink UHT milk. “If fresh milk is not possible, UHT milk can also be done,” said Emilia.

Then, there is also powdered milk. This one milk undergoes a process of processing and fortification or addition of nutrients, especially in toddler milk.

Apart from the four types of milk above, Emilia does not recommend you to drink sweetened condensed milk. Instead of being useful, this milk will actually have a bad impact.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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