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How to Choose the Best Slime for Your Diet and Figure

If slime is part of your diet, a nutrition expert recommends that you take care of the composition of these products, so that you do not face weight problems and your figure is compromised. Here’s how to choose them correctly!

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In sandwiches, wraps, prepared on the grill or in the oven, diced and fried in oil, lipis can be used in various delicious recipes. They can be served for breakfast, lunch, dinner or as a snack and successfully replace bread in the diet. However, if you want to maintain your figure or lose weight, the nutritionist recommends that you check the ingredient list before purchasing and consuming them.

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How to choose the right glues

Sticks made with white flour can be harmful to the figure, just like bread made from this ingredient. In contrast, whole-grain brats contain more fiber, protein and fewer calories, says dietitian Lainy Younking, who recommends buying products that contain whole wheat.

The specialist also warns that you should not be fooled by the labels of products that say “multigrain”, because they may contain several types of grain, but not necessarily whole wheat or wheat rich in fiber. “Turn the package over and check the ingredients list and nutrition facts panel. The chosen product must contain 3-5 grams of fiber and 3-5 grams of protein per serving’, the specialist told ‘She Finds’. “Together, fiber and protein slow blood sugar spikes, induce satiety, meaning they keep you fuller for longer, and help you lose weight. To keep you full, choose foods that contain more fiber and protein instead of those with fewer calories,” continues Lainy Younking.

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Equally important for figure and health, is that the product you choose does not contain sugar. “Limit sugar in your diet and you’ll lose weight more easily. The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than 24 grams of added sugar per day, and men consume no more than 34 grams of sugar per day,” the specialist continued.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

2023-05-22 10:06:42
#lips #fat #choose #correctly #Click #women

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