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How does Israel kill premature babies in Al-Shifa Hospital? | Health news

Israeli forces surrounded and then stormed Al-Shifa Hospital on Wednesday night, an act that led to the death of several premature babies in the hospital. What type of care do they need? How does Israel kill them by sieging and storming the hospital?

The Gaza Ministry of Health announced that the death toll in Al-Shifa Hospital due to the power outage since Saturday had risen to 34, including 27 patients in intensive care and 7 premature infants.

Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest in the Gaza Strip, has been suffering from water and electricity outages for days.

Who is the premature baby?

Most pregnancies last for 40 weeks. A baby born before the 37th week is known as a premature baby, or a premature baby.

Premature babies are more at risk for developmental problems. Babies born between 23 and 24 weeks may survive, but they are more at risk of health complications.

Many babies born before week 32, and those who weigh 2.5 kilograms or less, may need help breathing. They are usually cared for in an incubator until they are developed enough to survive on their own. Babies born between 32 and 37 weeks may also need care.

What does a premature baby look like?


The baby’s skin may not be fully developed, and it may appear shiny, translucent, dry, or scaly. Your baby may not have any fat under the skin to keep him warm.

the eyes

Premature babies may have their eyelids glued together.

Incomplete growth

Premature babies may not be able to regulate their body temperature, breathing, or heart rate. They may tremble, or become stiff.

the hair

A premature baby may have little hair on his head, but a lot of fine body hair (called “full”).

Why does a premature baby need an incubator?

Incubators are an essential component of neonatal intensive care units. They are used in combination with other equipment and procedures to ensure that children who require additional support receive the best possible environment and constant monitoring.

It may be helpful to think of them as a second womb designed to protect the baby and provide ideal conditions for its development.

Babies born prematurely may need extra time to develop their lungs and other vital organs. (Their eyes and eardrums may be so sensitive that normal light and sound may cause permanent damage to these organs.)

Babies born too early also won’t have enough time to develop fat just under the skin and will need help to keep themselves warm and plump.

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What does a babysitter do?

It may be easy to think of an incubator as just a bed for a sick child, but it is more than just a place to sleep. The incubator is designed to provide a safe, controlled space for infants to live while their vital organs develop.

Unlike a simple bed, an incubator provides an environment that can be adjusted to provide the ideal temperature as well as the ideal amount of oxygen, humidity, and light.

How many children are in Shifa?

As of Tuesday, the hospital was caring for 36 infants, according to the medical staff there, who said that there was no clear mechanism for transporting them, despite Israel announcing an offer to provide incubators for the evacuation process.

How does Israel kill premature infants by sieging the hospital?

By cutting off the electricity, the incubators will not work as a result of the repercussions of stopping the oxygen stations and life-saving equipment.

Doctor Muhammad Tabasha, head of the pediatric department at Al-Shifa Hospital, said in a phone call on Monday with Reuters that instead of placing premature babies in incubators, they had to be transferred to regular beds at the beginning of the week due to the lack of electricity. They placed them side by side, surrounded by packages of diapers and paper boxes containing sterile gauze and plastic bags.

He added, “I never expected in my life to put 39 children side by side on the bed, each suffering from a different disease, and in light of a severe shortage of the medical team and milk.”

Tabasha added that the temperature of the infants is very low and the temperature is unstable due to the power outage. In the absence of infection control measures, viruses are transmitted among them and their immunity is severely weakened.

He said that there is no longer any way to sterilize milk and its straws according to due standards. As a result, some have developed stomach infections and are suffering from diarrhea and vomiting, which means they may be suffering from severe dehydration.

Doctor Ahmed Al-Makhalati, who is also involved in caring for the children, described the conditions as putting their lives in danger.

He also said by phone from Al-Shifa Hospital, “They are in a very bad situation in which they are slowly being killed unless someone intervenes to control or improve their situation.”

He added, “These are very critical types of cases and must be handled with extreme caution. Each one of them must be taken care of in a very special way. Currently, they are all in an open place, all together.”

Dr. Tabasha said that keeping children safe requires electricity to operate incubators, a suitable sterilizer for milk, pacifiers, drugs, and support devices in case any of them suffers from respiratory failure.

He added that the situation is horrific for the doctors and nursing staff responsible for the premature babies, which consists of only 4 members. “We were emotionally and physically exhausted,” he said.

2023-11-15 12:35:21

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