Home » today » Health » How do we know that we don’t have enough vitamin D in our body? The symptoms that should send us to the doctor – Evenimentul Zilei

How do we know that we don’t have enough vitamin D in our body? The symptoms that should send us to the doctor – Evenimentul Zilei

Vitamin D it is crucial for the proper functioning of the body. It strengthens the bones and the immune system. It can prevent certain types of cancer and protect us from depression, diabetes or pain of the heart.

Vitamin D is produced by the body when exposed to the sun, but modern lifestyles show that people spend more time at home in front of the TV or computer, and about one in five people is not exposed to the sun. There are also foods rich in vitamin D, including: trout, tuna, milk, whole grains and eggs. Globally, studies show that more and more people, adults and children alike are in dire need of it vitamin D.

Beware of colds

Most of the time vitamin D deficiency is discovered late, because it does not give symptoms immediately, and often these are attributed to other diseases.

People who catch a cold often, even in the summer, should consider the possibility of a lack of vitamin D, because immune system it can be weakened and thus cannot fight respiratory infections effectively.

Some studies have found a direct link between deficiency and respiratory tract infections, such as colds, bronchitis or pneumonia, according to doctorulzilei.ro.

Don’t ignore it fatigue

Another symptom of vitamin D deficiency is increased fatigue for no good reason. You practically feel sluggish at the slightest effort. According to a study of 480 elderly adults, connections were found between vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D deficiency. fatigue permanent.

At the same time, the study showed that 39 children reported having restless sleep, waking up often during the night and feeling tired, and all these symptoms were caused by a lack of vitamin D.

Great bone pain

Certain pains, such as back and bone pain, can be symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in the body. In fact, vitamin D is known to help keep bones healthy and to improve calcium absorption where needed.

According to a study, a link was found between severe back pain and vitamin D deficiency. An analysis of 81 studies also showed that people with arthritis, muscle aches, and extended body pain have lower vitamin D than people who do not have such pain, writes the quoted source.

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