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How Do Salmon Migrate?

KOMPAS.com – Migration is the movement of living things from one place to another. Humans are very often migrating, moving from one place to another.

Some animals also migrate for the survival of their species, one of which is salmon.

Salmon born and hatched in freshwater rivers and then migrate along with the flow of water to the sea. They grow up and live in the sea but never forget the place where they were born.

For salmon, the place to hatch is also the best place to hatch the chicks. Since it can hatch itself well, so do the eggs.

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Salmon migrate to their hometowns to hatch their eggs for a higher chance of survival.

Migration of salmon takes place over long distances and when it reaches the river’s downstream, the salmon must swim against the fast currents of the river to get to where it hatches.

Salmon migration way

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Migration of salmon can occur over short or long distances depending on the extent to which salmon migrate after hatching. The furthest migrations of salmon can even reach thousands of miles and cross the Atlantic Ocean.

So how can a salmon find its way back to its hometown with limited vision and can’t see a map or gps?

The answer is to utilize Earth’s magnetic field to map migration paths like a compass.

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Reporting from Scientific American, salmon migrate by recognizing the intensity, strength, and angle of the Earth’s magnetic field.

This capability is named after the salmon geomagnetic sensor. When the magnetic field is deemed unsuitable, the salmon will turn in the right direction and do not get lost on their way to their hometown.

Salmon also has a strong sense of smell to detect its birthplace in rivers. When it reaches its birthplace, the salmon will give birth to its eggs.

Reporting from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, salmon stopped eating when it returned to fresh water and ate off its body fat for one year. So the salmon experience fatigue after a long journey without eating and then die.

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