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How can you fight warts without resorting to the operation

If you have never suffered from warts you are in luck. Warts are nasty callused growths that can appear in the body and sometimes cause intense pain. One of the causes of the appearance of these bumps is having walked barefoot in places that are not exactly hygienic or where there is a lot of people coming and going. In fact, warts are contagious and frequently strike between the ages of 10 and 15.

The trigger is the del virus human papilloma. The most stubborn warts, if not treated in time, may even require a surgical removal operation. Let’s see, then, how you can fight warts without resorting to the operation.

Types and contagion

Warts are divided into various types that are distinguished by shape and place of appearance:

a) Common plantar warts: yellow in color and rough and scaly. They appear on the heels or between the toes. They cause pain.

b) Plantar or mosaic warts: they are small and in groups like a mosaic. Unfortunately, this type tends to return even after removal.

c) Periungual plantar warts: we find them near nails.

d) Flat warts: they appear as small spots and spread quickly on the face and hands. These too want medical intervention to be eliminated.

The contagion, as I said, derives from bare skin contact with floors in gyms, swimming pools, common showers. Skin lesions can facilitate contagion, as can a deficient immune system.

How can you fight warts without resorting to the operation

Foot warts are often the most painful and difficult to treat. Those of the hands, on the other hand, are more easily transmitted, so those who work with the public are forced to remove them.

There are many ways to eliminate the problem:

a) Cryotherapy. It consists in the application of liquid nitrogen which, having a temperature below 200 degrees below zero, manages to freeze the wart and the cells with the virus. This treatment causes local burning and blanching of the affected area. Later, inflammation can develop that lasts a few days.

b) Electrocoagulation. It is a technique that involves the removal of small portions of skin. It uses a tool that generates high frequency electric current that burns and cuts the skin. It can cause burning in the following days until scarring. It is done under local anesthesia.

c) Treatment with phytotherapeutic drugs such as salicitric acid, tretinoin and glycolic acid. The preparation can be done directly at the pharmacy or purchased ready-made. It has a longer application, of weeks, and causes the detachment of the wart.

d) Garlic. Crushed and combined with a few drops of olive oil it must be spread on the wart and covered with a plaster.

e) Tea tree oil, applied for a minimum of ten days on the wart.

Even if you now know how you can fight warts without having to resort to surgery, always ask your GP for advice.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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