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how bridges became symbols of the city

Eight million New Yorkers cross their city’s many bridges every day. Omnipresent in the landscape of the metropolis, we cross them on foot, by bike or by car.

On some, pedestrians rub shoulders with the metro, on others the traffic lanes are multiplying. They come in all sizes and for all tastes. They sometimes offer breathtaking views of the city and allow you to discover it in all its diversity.

Among them, ten are classified as historical monuments, including the Brooklyn Bridge, the Manhattan Bridge and the Williamsburg Bridge. We can also mention the Verrazano Bridge which connects Brooklyn to Staten Island. It is from the foot of this bridge, in Staten Island, that the runners of the New York marathon leave in the early morning.

These structures have played a key role in the development of the city and several of them hold records in terms of height, technology or number of years of construction.

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