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How are things going with Jolande and Barbara and their chambre d’ARTe? – I quit

In the broadcast of Ik Departure on Saturday November 19, 2022, we see how Jolande and Barbara drastically change their family lives to embrace life even more. In Mancigne, France, they want to transform a stately building into a haven for artists. Has their dream come true?

Update Jolande and Barbara

Every day we are still working on implementing our creative plans and to be honest we feel quite proud and grateful for what is already there. Our goal was not only to create a beautiful home for ourselves but also a creative and inspiring stay for art lovers and artists. We invest the proceeds of our chambre d’ARTe in offering an ”Artist in Residence” job.

Twice a year we invite selected artists to live and work in our Manoir. An exhibition or a publication follows a period of work. Guests who stay with us are pampered by us in a greedy and culinary way. We have completely indulged in the design and style of the chambre d’ARTe, it is full of unique art and design objects. We therefore consider it a great compliment that our guests indicate that they immediately feel at home and can immerse themselves in the peace and charm of exuberant French life.

With the French battle

We had to adjust the bigger plans we had around the renovation of the Manoir due to the Corona period. No matter what we tried, we couldn’t find any pros! So we were forced to do it ourselves. We make a good team together and really complement each other. We laughed a lot, sighed deeply at times, we even stamped our feet, but we worked day and night with satisfaction on our Manoir.

All the electricity in our building has been renewed, but we had to wait six months for the electricians. As it turned out to be dangerous to use electricity, we were forced to walk in the dark with a flashlight, no internet, no washing machine, just to get back to basics. Hilarious in retrospect, but we couldn’t laugh about it at the time.
After many estimates and urgent repairs, our roof has finally been repaired after more than a year of waiting! The whole building was covered in scaffolding for three weeks and a great team worked hard. The damage, of course, turned out to be worse than expected. Luckily, the whole house is now dry. The attic is empty and clean thanks to a renewed effort by the white-suited brigade.

We have not yet been able to realize the plans for a stylish modern extension to the Manoir. Instead of the gallery at home, we now have a partnership with a major cultural hotspot to run exhibitions. A great artistic event is planned for 2023, which we are preparing. Also, the poetry agenda is filling up again with performance and our art installations for exhibitions are once again touring the world.

Life in Mansigne

Homesickness played a considerable role last year, the grieving process surrounding the loss of Jolande’s mother and not just meeting family or friends proved to be much heavier than estimated! When our best friend suddenly fell seriously ill, we had no choice but to quickly travel to the Netherlands to support her. We have now commuted up and down several times to support each other with family and friends.
This has messed up plans and operations, but the most important thing for us is to be there for the people we love. We thought it was very special and nice that Jolande’s father and brother came to do odd jobs in the Manoir with her family. Barbara’s parents and our friends also came to enjoy the French good life.

Our dog Novaz and cat Eshra are enjoying our beautiful garden to the fullest. Mansigne is a small but lively village with very sweet and warm inhabitants. We’re really lucky with our neighbors and people who do the honors of the house when we’re not around. In the summer, the local restaurant comes alive with weekly beach dances and, as well as water activities, there is now a golf course. The Loire area is beautiful and not a World Heritage Site for nothing; there are many castles, historic villages and churches.

We also easily seek out trendy city life as Paris, Le Mans and Tours are an hour away. We still enjoy each other and life every day! We still have many creative plans and big dreams. Keep on…
All the love; Jolande in Barbara

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