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how and when to fertilize alocasia plants – Eljardin

Alocasias are fantastic plants for the garden or home. Native to Southeast Asia and Australia, they are used to warm temperatures throughout the year and must be overwinter in pots or dug up and stored as bulbs in a cool, dry place in all but the warmest climates. However, regardless of how you grow them, fertilizing alocasia plants is essential for their healthy growth. Read on to learn about feeding alocasia plants and when to fertilize alocasia.

Feeding Alocasias

Alocasia plants have the potential to get huge. If they successfully overwinter for several years, they can reach 10 feet (3 m) in height and produce 3-foot (0.9 m) long leaves. The key to growing such impressive plants is fertilizer.

Alocasias feed a lot and fertilizing alocasia plants frequently is the only way to keep your appetite up. Before planting alocasias, mix 2 pounds of slow-release fertilizer for every 100 square feet (9.3 square meters) of soil.

Continue with regular fertilization every two to four weeks.

Alocasia Fertilizer in Pots

Is it really necessary to feed alocasias if you are growing them indoors? You most likely want your houseplant somewhere less than ten feet tall. However, the thing about fertilizers is that they aren’t just for quick growth. Kept in a pot, your alocasia will almost certainly not reach its full potential size, but it still needs regular fertilization, perhaps even more.

Due to the small amount of soil in a container, nutrients can be removed more easily. With each watering, add a little water-soluble fertilizer so your alocasia plants grow healthy and strong.

However, if the alocasia leaves start to appear burned, it probably means that you are applying too much fertilizer. Rinse the container with plenty of clean water until it runs out of the drain holes and reduce your fertilization rate.

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