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“Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn”
(from 21 to 27 March 2022)

How are you? Here is the horoscope of this one First week of a new zodiac year! In fact, the Sun has just passed through the gates of spring leaving the waters of Pisces and entering the fire of Aries. And at the end of the week – Sunday 27 – Mercury will also follow him and enter Aries. But even before entering the heart of the astrological sky, I hope that all the renewal force of this will reach you important start, which for astrology has the symbolic power of a “New Year”. I have dedicated an in-depth study to you that you can recover from this LINK.

During the week, then, the Last Quarter of the Moon is formed, a phase that often has the sense of pushing us to take stock of what we leave behind, identifying at the same time a series of new intentions to sow. Here too that same flavor of the “New Year” returns, when we get rid of what we no longer need and at the same time we trace the route of new projects for the year to come. And it is with this spirit that I recommend reading the horoscope, as an invitation to take that “shot”, to point the bow at the horizon and leave for something new!

I just have to leave you to read, thanking you once again for the love and attention that – week after week – you give to this great common project of ours. It is really the case to say it: almost for now nine years togetherincreasingly all crazy about astrology! Thanks always!

A hug and happy reading to all!
With love,

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