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Ho Chi Minh City is ready to open big roads and wide bridges

(PLO)- At this meeting of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Council, the Department of Transport asked for approval to present many key and strategic projects.

At the signing ceremony to receive funding for the pedestrian bridge project across the Saigon River of more than 1,000 billion VND from sponsor Nutifood on December 4, Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Phan Van Mai emphasized that in the process of developing development, Ho Chi Minh City always wants to build infrastructure and beautify the urban area to be worthy of a large city.

Chairman Phan Van Mai also emphasized: “In the general development process of the city, in addition to the resources created by the city, generations of city leaders always appreciate the resources contributed by society for a civilized city. , modern”. Mr. Mai also thanked Nutifood for contributing profits from production and business efficiency to build this bridge, and thanked the businesses that have been and continue to contribute to the overall development of the city.

The city has budget resources for infrastructure and urban development, but these resources are limited. Understanding this, over the past time, the city’s transport industry has proposed and promoted implementation of these measures project strategic. These projects are included in the infrastructure development plan by the transport industry in five- and 10-year periods. At each stage, the transport industry has selected the most urgent and important projects for implementation.

For that reason, at this meeting of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Council, the Department of Transport requested to present many key and strategic projects.

In the east, the traffic industry registered to submit three projects: ring road 2 – section 2, expanding Do Xuan Hop street and expanding Nguyen Thi Dinh street. With the submission to the City for approval of the investment policy for Ring Road 2 – section 2 this time, the day Ring Road 2 will be closed is closer. At this time, the “lifeblood” from Cat Lai and Phu Huu ports will be seamless with National Highway 1, immediately solving traffic congestion in the eastern area of ​​the city.

Area expected to build Nguyen Khoai road and bridge project. Photo: DAO TRANG

Similarly, in the south of the city, two iconic bridges, Can Gio bridge and Nguyen Khoai street bridge, will also form a new north-south axis and share traffic pressure with long-standing congestion points. . Above all, these are also bridges for Ho Chi Minh City to reach the big sea.

Talking to reporters recently, Mr. Hoang Tung, Chairman of Thu Duc City People’s Committee, expected projects in Thu Duc City to connect industrial parks, urban areas and radial trunk routes, to reduce load. for the inner city area. From there, it contributes to increasing traffic connectivity with radial roads between localities in the region, expanding new development space according to planning orientation, creating motivation, spillover power, and promoting , social economic development.

Mr. Tung also said that Thu Duc City pledged to carry out compensation and resettlement as quickly as possible to hand over the site to the investor and soon open the road to traffic.

With the careful preparation of the transportation industry as well as the readiness of local governments, especially the experience of site clearance from previous projects will certainly open a new “door” for the city to open up new opportunities for the city. traffic infrastructure.

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What areas will the 11,000 billion VND Can Gio Bridge pass through?

(PLO) – The Can Gio bridge project is expected to have a total investment of more than 11,000 billion VND and will pass through many roads of Nha Be and Can Gio districts and cross two large rivers.


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