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Hezbollah Attacks Israeli Targets in Southern Lebanon: Latest Updates

name Hizb Allah The Lebanese attacked 3 Israeli targets off the southern border of Lebanon and inside Shebaa Farms Occupied, at a time when the Israeli occupation army announced that Hezbollah targets were bombed in 3 locations in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah said it bombed an Israeli vehicle carrying spy equipment with guided missiles, as well as targeting technical equipment in the Ramim barracks.

The party also targeted with heavy missiles the deployment of Israeli soldiers near the site of Zabdin, confirming a direct hit.

Al Jazeera’s correspondent said that two missiles were fired at the radar site in Shebaa Farms, and Israeli fighters launched 4 raids near the village of Rashaya Al-Fakhar, and an attack on the Kafar Shuba area. Israeli artillery also bombed near the town of Shebaa in southern Lebanon.

The Israel Broadcasting Corporation published a video clip of a drone explosion launched by Hezbollah near a beach between Ras Naqoura and Nahariya (northern Israel), and the newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth” reported that the Israeli army failed to capture it the drone over the sea. , and that it was being determined where his fall was.

For its part, the Israeli occupation army said – yesterday afternoon, Sunday – that its warplanes bombed Hezbollah targets in 3 locations in southern Lebanon.

He explained – in a statement – that Air Force aircraft bombed two Hezbollah missile launch sites in the towns of Halta and Al-Hamam, and the organization’s infrastructure in the Al-Khuraybah area.

Since October 8 of last year, Hezbollah and Lebanese and Palestinian groups have exchanged daily explosions with the Israeli army, resulting in deaths and injuries between the two parties, most of them in Lebanon.

Hezbollah and other groups say they are launching attacks against the Israeli army in solidarity with it Gaza strip Since October 7, he has been exposed to Israel’s devastating American-backed war.

2024-05-13 05:35:07
#Joint #attacks #Hezbollah #Israeli #army

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