Home » today » Health » Hefame Foundation sells 30,000 solidarity gels to support breast cancer research

Hefame Foundation sells 30,000 solidarity gels to support breast cancer research


The Hefame Foundation already has the results of the campaign to fight breast cancer it held last October, the month in which World Day takes place, according to sources of this magnitude in a statement.

The action exceeded the expectations of the organization, which managed to sell more than 30,000 bottles of special edition “ia” gel, the profits of which, almost 8,000 euros, will help in scientific research and finance psychological and social support services of people affected by this disease.

The cooperative donated the proceeds to the Spanish Cancer Association (AECC), in an act that took place at the headquarters of the Association, and which was attended by the councilor of the cooperative Adriana Moreno, the director of the Foundation, Enriqueta Fernández , and the head of the CSR, Antonio Martínez, on behalf of Hefame, as well as the president and manager of the AECC of Murcia, Manuel Molina and María Ángeles Romero, respectively.

The action had the collaboration of pharmacies, Hefame employees and the general population.

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