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Heart that flickers, anxiety and stress could herald the unwelcome presence of this rather widespread anomaly

The heart is our main organ, the real engine that manages and governs everything else.

It is important to know how to listen to it and to be able to feel the signals it sends us because, in some cases, this could be an indication of something wrong. In other cases, however, it could indicate a small anomaly to keep under control, but nothing to worry about.

How many times have we heard the expression “the heart in the throat”, or “a sinking heart”. This sensation is the one described by many people who have experienced a kind of heart flutter.

It is as if there is a missing heartbeat, or a more intense heartbeat, felt right at chest height. This condition affects a very common form of cardiac arrhythmia, called extrasystole.

Also common in completely healthy people

This alteration of the heart rhythm is very frequent, both in patients suffering from heart diseases, and in totally healthy people. Often, in fact, people don’t even know they suffer from it.

This happens because, in many cases, this condition is asymptomatic.

Heart that flickers, anxiety and stress could herald the unwelcome presence of this rather widespread anomaly

As Humanitas claims, the pulsations caused by extrasystole can occur more frequently or be extemporaneous. Most of the time, however, it would be a benign situation, so nothing worrying or pathological.

Stress and anxiety could play a role

Extrasystole could arise due to very different reasons. Sometimes this could be due to an excess or deficiency of calcium, or of magnesium or potassium in the blood. We remember, in fact, that mineral salts would be very important for our health.

Just think that the lack of this mineral it could increase the risk of brain, thyroid and other problems.

The extrasystole, however, could also be associated with psycho-physical problems. For example, stress or anxiety, the abuse of caffeine or smoking could also trigger this disorder. Heart that flickers, anxiety and stress could herald, in fact, this heart alteration to be kept under control.

Here are what tests to perform to check your health

After an initial feeling of “heart fluttering” followed by a medical consultation, we may need to undergo an electrocardiogram.

For more accurate results, however, the specialist may suggest performing the dynamic electrocardiogram according to Holter. In this case, the analysis would be more thorough, because the heart would be monitored for 24 hours.

In general, it is always advisable to contact an expert as soon as we notice a situation similar to the one described above. Only in this way will we be directed to the best steps to take for our well-being.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)—

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