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Healthy intestinal flora ensures a functioning defense

In everyday life we ​​are constantly surrounded by viruses, bacteria and fungi. But they usually don’t make us sick because our immune system successfully combats the pathogens. Especially in times of the Corona, many people ask themselves how they can keep their defenses fit so that they can continue to perform their tasks optimally. New studies suggest that a healthy intestinal flora plays a crucial role in this.

The healthy intestinal flora “trains” our immune system

Scientists have long believed that the microbiome in our gut stimulates the immune system. But how do the intestinal bacteria keep it in balance? A new study addresses this question. A team of researchers from the University Clinic for Visceral Surgery in Switzerland found out why a healthy intestinal flora is so important for our immune system. They discovered that a small part of the intestinal bacteria penetrated the blood vessels. The scientists used specially developed computer software to compare the immune response to bacteria in the blood with the response of the immune system to bacteria in the intestine.

With the help of a computer analysis of B cells, the scientists were able to show that the antibodies outside the intestine have a significantly wider range than the antibodies in the intestine. The antibodies in the gut specialize in fighting a limited number of harmful bacteria. The rest of the immune system is more adaptable and has a significantly larger antibody repertoire. So when bacteria enter the blood flow, they are quickly recognized as harmful and successfully combated. This can prevent blood poisoning.

A healthy intestinal flora brings our immune system into constant contact with bacteria and fungi. It is practically the first “battlefield” and offers the body’s defenses the opportunity to “train”.

“You are what you eat” – the healthy intestinal flora keeps our immune system in balance

Healthy intestinal flora good for our defenses promotes immune response

A balanced diet is the first step towards a healthy intestinal flora. The nutrition experts recommend consuming at least two handfuls of vegetables and one handful of fruit daily. A healthy menu consists of fish, nuts and yoghurt. Smoking can unbalance the intestinal flora; alcohol is allowed in small quantities. A glass of red wine can even stimulate digestion.

About the study

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