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Health Sector achieved universal coverage and an end to the pharmaceutical monopoly

The federal government created in its first year the Institute of Health for Welfare (Insabi), which will grant free care and medications to 69 million people that lack social Security. It was the first to consolidate the integration of National Universal Health System.

Similarly, he ended the monopoly that he exercised pharmaceutical sector and saved millions of dollars that were spent on expensive and sometimes ineffective medicines.

After taking a census on the needs of centers and hospitals, including data on clinical profile of Mexicans, the government decided to open the doors to international market and buy medication e last generation supplies.

Mexico was the country of Latin America who bought the most expensive antiretrovirals. These medications are given to 97 thousand patients with HIV or AIDS, but they no longer had the same effectiveness for virus resistance. Treatment with Efavirenz It was one of those cases.

Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, Undersecretary of Health Prevention and Promotion, said that Mexico invested up to 3.2 billion pesos annually in unfavorable agreements with pharmacists, because he bought antiretrovirals until 20 times more expensive.

“The combination of Emtricitabine and Tenofovir was purchased at $ 170, while in Brazil it was worth $ 35. Another more notable example: Dolutegravir was bought at up to $ 110, while Brazil acquired it at eight,” he added.

The decision was to generate a “new paradigm of HIV in Mexico “, which consisted of reducing the number of antiretrovirals, of the eight are patent Last generation, cause less adverse effects and They do not generate resistance.

The savings were millions of pesos and it was not left unprotected to the population that suffers from this sexually transmitted disease


With the Insabi operation there will no longer be a basic medication chart. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador He stressed that his government will guarantee Mexicans the right to health and that includes medicines, hence there will be enough resources to pay attention to more than half of the population that lacks social security.

For this year alone there was an additional budget of 40 billion pesos and the same figure will be applied in 2020.

He also announced the hiring of 87 thousand doctors, specialist and health personnel throughout the sexennium, with salaries above average for those doctors who decide to move to hard to reach communities

As for the delivery of medicines, the Social Protection System in Health reveals that until June 30 there was a prescription assortment of 74 percent and 82 percent, respectively, in the first and second level of care.

At IMSS, from December 2018 to June 2019, 128 million individual prescriptions were filled at pharmacies; Meanwhile, the new purchasing scheme allowed a saving of 91 million pesos in 12 of the 25 specialty units in the first half of this year.

Meanwhile, Issste granted 541 thousand 812 prescriptions to 288 thousand 196 right-holders and 576 thousand 539 appointments were released through the Replenishable Recipe Program. The institute acquired 858 input keys doctors and had savings of 220 million pesos

Throughout the Mexican health system, which includes IMSS, Issste, Sedena and Marina, in addition to state services, there are more than 58 million members without considering family members.

Regarding the attention to vulnerable groups, until June the IMSS-Welfare program attended 12.3 million people without social security, of which 60 percent reside in towns under 2,500 inhabitants and 37 percent, that is 4.5 million, are indigenous.

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