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Health Network “Another shot to prevent tuberculosis?Expert: BCG vaccine is only effective for those under 5 years old-News Fax-Free Health Network


Experts said that the BCG vaccine for tuberculosis prevention can only protect children under the age of 5, while youth and adults have no protective effect. The picture shows a situational photo. (AFP file photo)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Tuberculosis is caused by an aerobic acid-fast Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is a global chronic infectious disease, especially prevalent in developing countries. according to”Science Daily“(Science Daily) reported that the latest study found that the BCG vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis can only protect children under the age of 5, while re-injection of youth and adults has no protective effect. The study was published in “Lancet Global Health》(The Lancet Global Health)。

Tuberculosis is a disease caused by infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. After tuberculosis invades the human body, it can cause lesions in any organ, such as the lungs, meninges, lymph glands, bones, intestines, urinary system and reproductive organs, among which the lungs are the most affected. In Taiwan, the BCG vaccine is administered to prevent TB after 5-8 months of age, but the effectiveness of the vaccine may begin to diminish with age, and children and adults over 10 years old may need a booster dose. Unfortunately, The potency of the booster is not as good as expected.

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Leonardo Martinez, lead author of the study and an assistant professor at Boston University’s School of Public Health, said that BCG is different from other mRNA vaccines, and there has been controversy over the effectiveness and duration of protection of BCG. Research has shown that although the BCG vaccine is effective in preventing TB in young children, new vaccines are needed to protect adolescents and adults.

Martinez pointed out that most of the previous research on TB and BCG was conducted 50 years ago, and this new study used the past 10 years and 17 high-risk countries, including South Africa, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Uganda, Brazil, Among the nearly 70,000 people exposed to TB risk, the overall effectiveness of BCG vaccination in infancy was 18%, and the results also caution that new vaccines are urgently needed to avoid TB in high-risk countries.

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