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Health cup: Dandelion, the plant that works wonders for our health

Phytotherapists in our country say that dandelion successfully treats dozens of diseases. Among the serious diseases treated with this plant are: cellulite, acne, atherosclerosis, arthritis, cataracts, gout, hypertension, diabetes, eczema, lack of appetite, rheumatism, varicose veins, constipation, kidney and liver disease. In the book “Our Health”, Eugen Giurgiu, PhD in biochemistry, with skills in phytotherapy and nutrition, recommends dandelion therapy in over 90 diseases: from diabetes, enterocolitis, liver cirrhosis, low immunity, various cancers, obesity, gastric ulcer and up to urinary retention.

In spring, dandelion leaves and stems are recommended by therapists in detoxification cures. In rural areas, dandelion, known to the villagers as the cornflower, papaluga or buha is a handy treatment, especially for anemic and convalescents.

The dandelion cure has invigorating effects

A dandelion cure invigorates the anemic and convalescent, with the active substances in the leaves and stems: Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, E, D, G and P), minerals: potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, cobalt, zinc and acids: gallic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid. The roots of the plant are very rich in flavonoids and, due to a bitter principle, they are used as a tonic and diuretic. Medicinal wine is also made from flowers and heads.

Dandelion is a powerful detoxifier and anti-inflammatory

The vitamins and minerals that dandelion contains act as a tonic and a diuretic on the body. Dandelion therapy has a strong detoxifying effect because it cleanses the blood, liver and colon of toxins accumulated in the body.

Dandelion reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes

Because it has a high content of potassium and magnesium, minerals that are effective in detoxifying the blood, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, dandelion therapy reduces the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

Dandelion treats various diseases of the liver and bile

Dandelion has become known and highly valued for its beneficial effects on bile and liver health. The active substances in the composition of the dandelion stimulate the activity of the stomach, liver and bile. Its diuretic effect also helps eliminate toxins from the body. Studies by European therapists have shown that dandelion treats and cures serious conditions such as hepatitis, jaundice and biliary dyskinesia.

How to prepare, how to administer

Dandelion infusion
Dandelion infusion is very effective for people suffering from kidney stones, cystitis, osteoarthritis, nephritis, hepatitis, anemia and hypertension. Consume two cups of infusion prepared from a cup of water and 2 teaspoons of dandelion – leaves and roots daily.

Dandelion juice is excellent for arthrosis

The juice extracted from the dandelion flower has beneficial effects in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Specialists recommend consuming two to three cups of juice a day until healing. Because the amount of dandelion from which to extract the juice is more difficult to obtain in the urban environment, the dandelion infusion is used as an alternative.

Dandelion coffee
From the dandelion roots, roasted and crushed, a mixture is obtained from which we can prepare dandelion coffee. The liqueur obtained, although bitter, offers benefits to the whole body and can successfully replace the daily coffee.

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