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HE DIDN’T KEEP IT: Lazio’s sports director charged everything against David Silva after his signing for Real Sociedad

Short, blunt and forceful. Igli Tare, Lazio’s sports director, spoke out publicly after the signing of David Silva by Real Sociedad was made official. In the club of the capital of Italy they already had the world champion as a reinforcement for the 2020/21 academic year. Suddenly, and completely unexpectedly, he was announced as a stellar recruitment for the Anoeta entity.

The news fell very badly at Società Sportiva Lazio. Tare had no qualms about commenting that he still respects Silva as a player, but no longer as a person / man. This because he felt that he left him and the institution he represents: “I found out about the transfer of David Silva to Real Sociedad. I have great respect for the player, but not for the man “.



The City legend had everything on track to sign with those of the city of Rome and, in the end, there was a swerve on the hour. The Canarian playmaker still does not explain why the unpredictable change. In Spain and Italy they talk about the influence of the family in the decision (a return to their country would have been more convincing).

Undefeated data. David Silva scored 60 goals, provided 93 assists, won 4 titles and played 309 games in the Premier League. Historical alien in England.

Did you know…? David Silva recorded 77 goals and 122 assists in 436 official games for Manchester City. The magician.

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