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Have an active and healthy Father’s Day! Specialist recommendations – Family, welfare

Father’s Day is a great reason to spend time actively and healthy with your children and to introduce some new activities, exercises and healthy habits for the future. Why is it so important to do physical activities with children, how to choose the right exercise and what exercises can a father do with a child? Advised by BENU Aptieka’s expert, physiotherapist Madara Rupaine, Health Branch of the 4 branches of the Health Center and Ilze Priedniece, clinical pharmacist of BENU Pharmacy.

In order for a child to be both physically and mentally healthy, it is very important that he spends time with his parents. It is important to perform physical activities together, because it promotes the child’s development, emphasizes physiotherapist M. Rupaine. Spending time with a child with parents reduces the risk of injury, because when parents are around, they can keep the child in sight, as well as improve the child’s immune system and make the child less likely to suffer from various viral infections.

Choosing the right load

In order to correctly choose the load that would be suitable for the child, it is necessary to listen to your child, because he himself will be a very good indicator that will tell how you feel, emphasizes the specialist. The World Health Organization recommends that children between the ages of 5 and 17 spend one hour each day on moderate to high intensity aerobic exercise. This means dynamic games, cycling, walking, swimming, running. However, of course, the intensity of the load must be determined taking into account the child’s age, type of load and physical fitness. It is recommended to consult about it individually with your family doctor, trainer or physiotherapist, because each child is special and there are no equal cases. However, if the parents see that the child is very busy, will fall asleep, it is difficult to regain breath, there is an increased heart rate, then it is necessary to stop and stop the load. If you notice that the child’s appetite has deteriorated after physical activity, the child is more often ill and feels tired, it indicates overload and the load should be reduced.

Exercises with dad

In honor of Father’s Day, the physiotherapist recommends trying and implementing daily exercises that Dad can do with the child.

Exercise for balance: stands against each other, joins hands, raises one leg and stands until the child counts to ten.

Exercise for coordination: Throwing balls at each other in different ways.

Exercise for abdominal muscles: lying on your back, lift your straight legs up and hold them – which will last longer.

Exercise for buttocks and back muscles: the child is lying on his back, legs bent at the knees, the bottom is lifted and the dad rolls the balls through the bridge created by the child.

Exercise for back muscles: the child is lying on his stomach, his arms are straight, his father tells how the planes take off, and at the word “the plane takes off” the child raises his head and back and holds while the “plane flies”.

Activities – according to the season!

Physiotherapist M. Rupaine recommends activities inspired by the season. In winter you can enjoy skiing together, snowmobiling and diving, but in summer, spring and autumn – cycling, running, in warm weather – swimming. During the autumn, children really enjoy hiking, where they can walk safely and actively for up to 1 hour. Of course, you have to bring a thermos and something to snack on, then the kids will definitely like it much better! You can go to the children’s playground with your dad, where children can climb and swing. Dad can draw “classes” and practice jumping skills with the child. Many children really like ball games, which are very useful because they train both balance and coordination at the same time. You can throw the ball at each other or kick your foot in hitting the goal. The game “squirrels” for children is also always close and engaging, and can train endurance very well. The main thing for children is undivided attention and love from parents.

The physiotherapist recommends that each parent with their children, starting at the age of five, go to a physiotherapist for a consultation. The physiotherapist will be able to assess the child’s “weaknesses” and advise parents on what to do and how to work together at home.

Pharmacist advice

BENU Pharmacies clinical pharmacist Ilze Priedniece recommends spending Father’s Day in joint activities. The joint physical activities of fathers and children in the fresh air can be very different – both calmer and more active, but the most important thing is to always remember about safety measures to avoid injuries to children.

The pharmacist emphasizes that regular physical activity is necessary for both children and adults. For adults, at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day – swimming, walking, Nordic walking or cycling – is recommended for cardiovascular health. In turn, children and adolescents are recommended 60 minutes of physical activity every day, including classes to strengthen muscles and bones.

Taking care of your own and children’s health, we recommend a healthy, wholesome and balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals every day, reducing salt and sweets consumption, including vegetables, greens, fruits, berries, fish and seafood, whole grains, olive oil, meat and dairy. products. Healthy eating recommendations include eating fish at least twice a week. Often the diet does not absorb enough omega fatty acids – then they can be absorbed with fish oil. The diet includes seasonal berries and vegetables. Adequate daily fluid intake should also be monitored. Include in the menu local autumn delicacies rich in vitamins: pumpkins, apples, pears, beets, carrots, lingonberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn. In autumn, vitamins and minerals to support the immune system are especially important – vitamins C, A, E and D, as well as B vitamins, iron, selenium and zinc.

An active, happy and healthy Father’s Day!

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