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Hanne and Marthe outraged after Gordo’s harsh comments


K2 looking for K3Judge Gordon becomes anything but more indulgent as the match progresses. In the third live show on Saturday evening, he was very hard on candidate Remi. “Having to go home with such a comment, it’s good to go to a psychologist”, Marthe responds.

Eline Debie

Remi’s version of Love gives you wings could not completely convince the jury in the third live show of K2 looking for K3. Natalia tried to explain to the musical actor that he showed too little of himself, but Gordon found her explanation “too sweet”.

“It was just really not good,” the Dutchman begins. “For someone with so much experience, this was a bad performance. You’re a really sweet boy, but I think the game is over for you tonight. You don’t fit in at all with K3. We can wrap it all up nicely with ribbons around it, but it just wasn’t right.”

indignant reactions

Hanne and Marthe clearly disagreed with Gordon’s comment. In K2 is looking along, the VTM GO program in which Hanne and Marthe are followed, the K3’s react indignantly. “But Gordon… What is he going to do with this? What can he take from this?” Hanne wonders. “If he has to go home tonight with such a comment, it’s good to go to the psychologist”, responds Marthe.

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The viewer also thinks that Gordon goes too far. On Twitter the question arises again what someone like him does in a program like K2 looking for K3. “This is just bullying behaviour,” it sounds. “Who even decided to include Gordon in this program?” asks another K2 looking for K3viewer wonders. Singer Tom Dice tweets that the Dutch singer often makes him laugh, but that his harsh comments on Remi were completely unnecessary.

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To the semi-finals

Gordon’s prediction that Remi would have to go home almost came true, but Hanne and Marthe put a stop to it. They gave their golden ticket to Remi. Favorite Kato and the Dutch Manou are out of the game. There will be none next week K2 looking for K3, on November 20 it is already time for the semi-finals. On November 27 we will know who will be Klaasje’s successor.

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