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Hamilton: I talked about problems, but they didn’t listen to me

After finishing the Bahrain Grand Prix, Lewis Hamilton criticized Mercedes a little. In the BBC’s Checkered Flag podcast, the seven-time world champion lamented that the engineers did not listen to his advice when creating the W14 car, so now the team has to solve the problem of lack of speed.

Lewis Hamilton «Last year I spoke to the team about the problems that our car has. During my career, I have piloted many different vehicles, so I know what the car needs and what is not needed.

I believe that we are talking about responsibility, for the team to recognize and say: “Yes, we didn’t listen to you, we did the wrong thing, and we must continue to work.” It is necessary to improve the balance of the car in the corners, assess all the weak points and work together to eliminate them as a team. That is exactly what we are doing.

Together we have won many titles, but the team failed to build a car last year and failed this year. However, this does not mean that we are unable to move forward.

I liked that in Bahrain I had a few battles on the track. We were close to the leaders, but still not enough. I’ve driven similar cars many times, especially during my McLaren years. I don’t know how and when we will bounce back, but we will definitely do it.”

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