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Half a thousand people will lose their jobs at the Yazaki Automotive Products factory in Silesia

509 people will lose their jobs as a result of group layoffs at Yazaki Automotive Products Poland in Mikołów (Śląskie). It’s about 40 percent from 1.3 thousand employed in this company that produces car wiring harnesses. Solidarity was the first to give information about dismissals. The company confirmed it.

  • Trade unions operating in the company signed an agreement with the employer on Friday regarding the principles of collective dismissals
  • Employees who will not be dismissed will receive annexes changing the terms of employment described in the agreement
  • The company explains that it is forced by cuts due to a pandemic situation in the automotive industry

“Due to the deteriorating situation in the automotive industry caused by a pandemic, as well as a significant drop in bundle orders for the Fiat 500“Yazaki is forced to leave this project,” Yazaki wrote in a message to employees.

“About half of the production employees were employed in the Fiat (FCA factory in Tychy – ed.),” Said Katarzyna Grabowska, chairwoman of the Solidarity Trade Union Committee. From mid-March, the FCA factory in Tykia did not manufacture cars for three months due to a coronavirus pandemic.

Yazaki Automotive Products: either layoffs or plant closure

“The employer told us that if there were no cuts, our plant would be liquidated. We were put against the wall” – explained Grabowska. In addition to Solidarity, an agreement with the employer was also signed by the August 80 union operating in Yazaki.

Group redundancies in Yazaki will start on July 20 and last until the end of October. The reduction will affect most production workers.

According to the agreement negotiated by the trade unions with the employer, people covered by collective redundancies at Yazaki will receive an additional – in addition to statutory – severance pay depending on seniority. It will be the equivalent of three monthly salaries for employees employed in the company for less than 2 years, six times for people working in Yazaki from 2 to 8 years, and the equivalent of nine salaries for employees with the longest seniority.

“The amount of severance pay will be calculated as vacation leave, which is more favorable for employees. We also agreed that when selecting employees for dismissal their life and family situation will also be taken into account” – explained Grabowska.


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